Tag: architecture

7 wild concepts from the 2024 Skyscraper Competition

Since 2006, the architectural design magazine, eVolo, has hosted an annual competition dedicated to highlighting some of the year’s most creative, ambitious, and downright fantastical skyscraper concepts. The publication’s editors announced 2024’s top three winning entries along with 15 honorable mentions picked from a pool of 206 submissions. [Related: Colossal skyscrapers could harness height for […]

Colossal skyscrapers could harness height for gravity batteries

Towering (some might say, decadent) superstructures continue to capture the imaginations of investors—but at least some skyscrapers are now being designed to pull their own weight. According to a recent announcement from Energy Vault Holdings and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), architects and engineers are planning to construct 1-km-tall (3,280 feet) buildings that harness their […]

New material looks like frosted glass but lets in more light than a window

A material that’s more transparent than glass without sacrificing privacy sounds like an impossibility, but an ultrathin film designed by researchers at Germany’s Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) does just that. The new polymer-based microphotonic multifunctional metamaterial (PMMM) owes its abilities to silicone “micro-pyramids,” each one-tenth the diameter of a human hair, and is more […]

Bacterial ‘blood’ could heal cracks in concrete

Researchers at Drexel University are experimenting with imbuing concrete with living organisms to extend the building material’s lifespan. And although the new approach is based on cutting-edge technology, the underlying engineering strategy originates within the human body. Concrete is second only to water as the most consumed material on Earth—a particularly problematic statistic, given the […]