Video: Palcohol Inventor Demonstrates His Powdered Booze

Reconstituting a cocktail before your eyes


Since we heard about Palcohol, the infamous powdered alcohol — and published our technique for making your own at home — the product has come under fire. The label approval necessary for Palcohol to be sold has been suspended by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and Senator Charles Schumer has called for all powdered alcohol to be prohibited from sale.

Mark Phillips, the creator of the embattled dry beverage, has made a 17-minute video in which he shows off his product, demonstrating how it’s used, and rebutting the various claims about its evils. It’s too bulky and irritating to snort, and challenging to use for spiking drinks, because it doesn’t dissolve as easily as one would hope. (This reinforces my theory that Phillips makes his powdered booze the same way I do — by using a starch to absorb the liquid.)

“We need to change the conversation to the positive uses of Palcohol,” he says.

“Please contact your state and Federal lawmakers to let them know you support Palcohol,” Phillips urges at the end.