Here’s What Cities Look Like at Night from the Space Station



Unless you somehow have the ability to fly like a bird, it’s pretty hard to imagine what your street or city looks like from above, especially at night. Sure, you can board a plane and hopefully spot your house from the window, but what about even higher than that? How about 250-ish miles high? While this is a tough task, even for those of us who are blessed with the superpower of flight, we’re actually in luck because astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) have been documenting what our cities look like at night for years now. Thanks, astronauts!

So, without further adieu, here are ten of the best (so far!).

A Dark North Korea
The Glowing Boot of Italy
The Olympic Games in Sochi
Moscow: A Spiderweb
The Grid of Salt Lake City
Good Morning, USA
The Slithering Thames
The Island of Las Vegas
Follow the Nile
The Outline of Florida