This story has been updated. It was originally published on June 11, 2009 and involves outdated technologies. For current advice, check our regularly updated story about how to set phone reminders for anything, or learn how to use motion sensors.

You’re late for work. As you hustle out the front door, the furthest thing from your mind is the afternoon’s dentist appointment that you’d scheduled last week. You’d have probably forgotten all about it—if you hadn’t thought ahead by programming a home-built device to give you a voice reminder as you pass it on your way out.

Just record your reminder on the device (“Dentist at 3 o’clock,” or “Pick up the kids at baseball practice”), set the timer for when you’ll need to hear it—up to a week in advance—and from the set time forward, it will play whenever you walk near the attached motion sensor. Sure beats having to remember everything yourself.

A four-panel comic about a device that allows you to leave yourself a reminder for anything. The first panel is a man in a gray polo shirt talking on the phone and giving a thumbs-up because he finally made a dentist appointment. The second panel is the man using a wall-mounted electronic device to record himself saying "Dentist appointment, Tuesday at 3:00," so he can set a reminder for Tuesday morning. The third panel is the man about to open a door and the device says "Dentist appointment, Tuesday at 3:00." The final panel is the man in a dentist chair shouting "root canal?!" as a dentist ominously washes their hands in the foreground.
Give voice to your to-do list. Peter Pachoumis


PartPart #SourcePrice
PIR sensor module276-033RadioShack$9.99
Recording module276-1323RadioShack$10.79
NPN transistor276-2016RadioShack$0.79
0.0 uF cap, 50 volts272-1069RadioShack$1.49
SPST pushbutton, sw$0.66
SPST pushbutton, sw$0.70
Perforated board276-1395RadioShack$2.79
Wire wrap$1.19
LM555 integrated$0.29
1 farad$4.49$1.49
Pot 500K, with$1.59
4-AAA battery$1.55
Acrylic butter$7.95


A homemade voice recorder and reminder.
Match the letters to their counterparts in the steps below. Luis Bruno

1. Drill holes in your chosen enclosure, following the drilling template. Glue the speaker [A], microphone [B] and motion sensor [C] to the enclosure. Mount the buttons [D] on the outside.

2. Build the timer circuit board, which lets you specify a time delay after which the message will be enabled. Calibrate the timer.

3. Connect the timer circuit board to the “play” wire from the record module, the “play” button, the power wires from the battery, and the sensor and record modules.

4. Move the switch on the battery holder [E] to the “on” position. Hold the red button to record a message, and press the black button to hear it. Turn the rotary dial [F] counterclockwise to the “off” position. Turn the dial clockwise to set the time delay, after which any movement in front of the sensor will trigger the message.